Archaeological sites of the Košice Basin 4: Sites that have been left out so far

A few sites in the Košice Basin have not been mentioned yet that I would like to briefly summarize now. I shall not discuss the sites Nižná Myšľa/Alsómislye, Várhegy, Konopiska, Alamenev and Pod zdanskym brehom, since we plan to conduct multiple surveys there during spring which I will report in due time.
The first site, heading north from south, is Seňa/Abaújszina-Vyšný Ián. There was a rescue excavation at a multi-period site during the digging of a gas line at the terrace edge of the river Hornád’s right tributary, the Sokoliansky potok. Neolithic, early and middle Bronze Age finds and Roman Era remains came to light. Some of the six late Füzesabony culture graves came to light in superposition with Piliny culture pits (Horváthová 2011, finds see on the main picture). The location of the settlement where these burials belong to is so far unknown.
We have two pieces of data from the area of Veľká Ida/Nagyida. During a 1951 field survey north of the village at Primkynec, Otomani, Iron Age and Middle-Ages assemblages were collected in a gravel pit (Hajek 1953, 321). Literature reports the site’s complete destruction in 1977 (Lamiová-Schmiedlová-Miroššayová 1991, 174). Gašaj-Olexa 1992, Karte 1 and accordingly, Jaeger-Olexa 2014, 163 mark the site as an open settlement. Šteiner considers the site located 6 kilometres from Barca as one of its satellite settlements. The assemblage found there is classified by Šteiner as part of the post-classical phase, but he does not exclude the possibility that the settlement might have even existed during the same time as layer 2 from Barca.
Dominika Oravkinova brought my attention to a piece of unpublished data according to which Otomani finds also came to light north of the village, in the area between the castle and the Ida stream. It is questionable whether this area has any relations to Primkynec.
One interesting fact is that a Hatvan, Piliny and Roman settlement was discovered at Veľká Ida/Nagyida- Zámocké tably. During the evaluation of the animal bone material from pit 1, Z. Miklíková refers to the piece of data 1750 BC C14. This C14 data in the given territory corresponds more to the Otomani period, as it fits with the RA2 period. We know Hatvan culture sites from the RA2 period, but only from areas west of the OFK where Hatvan culture survived up until the Tumulus period.
Therefore based on literature alone, we can only consider the completely destroyed Primkynec site as part of the OFK period with certainty for now. However if it is 6 kilometres away from Barca, then based on observations at the Southern Borsod Plain, it is not a satellite but rather an individual settlement.
Two additional sites are known from the edge of the settlement Sebastovce/Zsebes. Administratively, Sebastovce falls under Košice, so these sites should have already been presented along with the ones from Košice. During the excavation of an Avar-Slavic cemetery at Lapise, two OFK settlement features came to light (Budinský-Krička 1976, 68–69; Lamiová-Schmiedlová-Miroššayová 1991, 53 and additional literature).
Even more OFK settlement features were found in the area of Kenderkert. (Lamiová-Schmiedlová-Miroššayová 1991, 52-53 and additional literature).
Budinský-Krička 1976 – V. Budinský-Krička: Výskum slovansko-avarského pohrebiska a sídliska z mladšej doby bronzovej v Šebastovciach. AVANS v roku 1975, 1976, 67-69.
Gašaj/Olexa 1992 – D. Gašaj / L. Olexa: Nižná Myšľa – ein bronzezeitliches Hanselszentrum in der Ostslowakei. Wuppertal 1992.
Hájek 1953 – L. Hájek: Vzácny nález z doby bronzové v Barci u Košic. Archeologické Rozhledy 5, 1953, 319-322.
Horváthová 2011 – E. Horváthová: Pohrebisko otomanskej kultúry v Seni. Študijné zvesti AÚ SAV 49, 2011, 115-141.
Hreha/Olexa 2009 – R. Hreha/L. Olexa: Sídlisko z doby bronzovej a doby rímskej vo Veľkej Ide. AVANS 2007, 2009, 80, 81.
Jaeger/Olexa 2014 – M. Jaeger/ L. Olexa: The metallurgists from Nižná Myšľa (okr. Košice-okolie/SK) A contribution to the discussion on the metallurgy in defensive settlements of the Otomani -Füzesabony culture. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 44, 2014, 163–176
Lamiová-Schmiedlová/Mirrošayová 1991 – M. Lamiová-Schmiedlová / E. Mirrošayová: Archeologická topografia – Košice. Košice 1991.
Miklíkova 2011 – Z. Miklíková: Zvyšky zvierat z doby bronzovej a rímskej zo sídliska vo Veľkej Ide. AVANS 2008/2011, 186-189.
Šteiner 2009 – P. Šteiner: Keramický inventár otomansko-füzesabonyského kultúrneho komplexu vo svetle nálezov z Barce I. Nitra 2009.